Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Pending Projects

I have two plans, the left and the right... :)

One is to make a vortex brewer. Its the same principle as the brewer that we're already using but this one uses additional principles of biodynamics.

Diverse, Organic, Sustainable and Eco-friendly + Agni Hotra Homa + Biodynamics = WOW!!!

My second project would be to construct a small solar dryer. So we can dry our herbs to make tea. I will post detailed pictures and instructions here in our blog for those who want to build their own.

Maybe I'll start making the solar dryer first. Please remind me to start these projects on March 13 :)


Anonymous said...

I've been following your blog for a while now. It really provides useful information specially with your snapshots. Indeed a thousand words can be said in one picture..I really want to see your farm in Candelaria or elsewhere. Hope you can give me your contact details. My email is Furthermore, May I ask about vermiculture..Is it true the mahogany leaves are for the ANC?

Anonymous said...

I've been following your blog for a while now. It really provides useful information specially with your snapshots. Indeed a thousand words can be said in one picture..I really want to see your farm in Candelaria or elsewhere. Hope you can give me your contact details. My email is Furthermore, May I ask about vermiculture..Is it true the mahogany leaves are bad for the ANC?

Anonymous said...

Just reminding you to start your solar drier :-)

Please post some pics.

KM89BigBucks Farm

Raymond and Mariel......................................... said...

Thank you very much for reminding me... I thought no one would ask... :)

I'm currently gathering the materials for the project, expect some pictures this coming weekend and maybe a video by the end of the month... :)